Backyard Movie Night in Maple Valley

During lock down small businesses have had to get creative and shift their businesses during this time. I’ve seen amazing and creative things going on including many banding together to create package boxes to be delivered. The best part is seeing the support of their followers, businesses have created a wonderful loyal community where they want to support and buy from them to help keep them going. Social media is powerful in that respect, when you share parts of your true self, show up and be real people want to support and follow you. Even if followers don’t buy from the person directly they recommended and share, word of mouth is an awe inspiring force. This is why I love taking photos of business owners and giving them relatable and personable image content to use. Niching into lifestyle personal brand photography has quickly become my passion for this reason.  

Anyways, let’s get back on track after I went on a little tangent. Novel Party Planning has had to do a business shift during lock down. Instead of providing in person party planning setup she made themed party packs for birthdays, Father’s Day, 4th of July, a Tea Party, Date Night (which she has partnered with another business that creates food platters) etc. For the summer time she came up with a Movie Night that has a few available options. This is what I photographed for Jacquelyn, her setting up her movie night set in her own backyard. It is an adorable set up by the way. She handmade the seat cushions and the kids tents as well. 

I love watching people work and do their thing, it is always so interesting to see business owners focused on what they are doing. I will occasionally interrupt them and ask them to do that over again, or give a little smile here and there. For these in action branding sessions I mostly just follow them as they do their tasks capturing photos in a true lifestyle photo manner. 

At the beginning we did have to wait a little bit while the sun went down and off of the grass. Once the sun got off the grass though we both went to work, her setting up the set and I photographing her. 

After all the set up was done and the movie began I took a few photos of the family in the set, by that time it was getting very dark and I definitely had to push my camera capabilities to the max. Taking photos of the kids in the tents made me realize that this will probably be a wonderful memory for them when they get older. They will probably vaguely remember this chaotic time of not being able to see friends, go to school, do “normal” things they use to do, but they will remember this one summer when they have this fun backyard movie night. Where they got to eat yummy treats, stay up late, watch a movie and have a wonderful time. This makes me a little reminiscent of those drive in movie nights with my parents and sisters that I enjoyed so much and miss!

Are you a business owner that needs personable and relatable photos that help you connect with your target market? Fill out my contact form and lets chat about what your image needs are for your business!

Maple Valley Small woman business Branding owner smiling
Maple Valley Small woman business Branding setting up tent for backyard movie
Maple Valley Small woman business Branding owner smiling holding flower in garden
Maple Valley Small woman business Branding setting up seats for backyard movie night
Maple Valley Small woman business Branding in action of owner planning set up
Maple Valley Small woman business Branding setting up lights on tent for backyard movie night
Maple Valley Small woman business Branding setting up projector for backyard movie night
Maple Valley Small woman business Branding backyard movie night setup
Maple Valley Small woman business Branding owner setting up projector for movie night
Maple Valley Small woman business Branding taking photos of finished set to post on social media
Maple Valley Small woman business Branding kids in tent watching movie for backyard movie night